Juan Pablo Gonzalez

The reluctance to vaccination in Europe and the recent riots

The reluctance to vaccination in Europe and the recent riots By Juan Pablo González-Rivas November 21, 2021 In the last few days have been riots in several cities of Europe after mandatories measures against COVID-19. As a Medical Doctor and foreigner living in Czechia for two years, I can see the strong reluctance of a large

The reluctance to vaccination in Europe and the recent riots Leer más »

Mi lucha contra la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 es personal

Cómo terminé liderando dos programas de prevención de diabetes en diferentes culturas. Mi lucha contra la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) es personal. La DM2 ha hecho sufrir y alejado de mi lado a muchas personas que amaba. Como médico especialista en medicina interna dedicado a atender pacientes con factores de riesgo cardiometabólico, atendí a

Mi lucha contra la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 es personal Leer más »

Promoting Type 2 Diabetes Prevention

My fight against type 2 diabetes is personal

How I ended leading two diabetes prevention programs in different cultures. My fight against type 2 diabetes (T2D) is personal. T2D has made suffer, and removed from my side, many people that I loved. As a physician specialist in internal medicine dedicated to attending patients with cardiometabolic risk factors, I attended to hundreds of people

My fight against type 2 diabetes is personal Leer más »

Ramfis Nieto

CV – Ramfis Nieto Martinez

CURRICULUM VITAE – Date: Nov 11, 2020 Personal Information Name: Ramfis E, Nieto-Martínez Date of birth: July 20, 1966 Place of birth: Barquisimeto, Venezuela Citizenship: Venezuelan Address: 1637 Hunters Bluff Dr Apt 204, Memphis, Tn 38120, USA Phone: (305) 7933682 (Cell phone). email: nietoramfis@hsph.harvard.edu; nietoramfis@gmail.com; Office: 1068 Cresthaven Rd #300, Memphis, TN 38119. Phone: 901-6830024

CV – Ramfis Nieto Martinez Leer más »