Date: Nov 11, 2020
Personal Information
- Name: Ramfis E, Nieto-Martínez
- Date of birth: July 20, 1966
- Place of birth: Barquisimeto, Venezuela
- Citizenship: Venezuelan
- Address: 1637 Hunters Bluff Dr Apt 204, Memphis, Tn 38120, USA
- Phone: (305) 7933682 (Cell phone).
- email:;;
- Office: 1068 Cresthaven Rd #300, Memphis, TN 38119. Phone: 901-6830024
Current Position
- Cardiometabolic Health and Lifestyle Unit. LifeDoc Health, Memphis, TN, US. (since March 16, 2020).
- Lown Scholar. Department of Global Health and Population. Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health. Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA (since July 5, 2017).
- Founder and Co-Director Venezuelan Foundation for Clinical, Epidemiological and Public Health Research, FISPEVEN INC (2013-present)
Other Previous or Current Position
- Health Science Specialist. Clinical Coordinator of the Glycemia Reduction Approaches in Diabetes: A Comparative Effectiveness Study(GRADE). South Florida Veterans Affairs Foundation for Research and Education (SFVAFRE). Geriatric Research Education and Clinical Center (GRECC) at the Miami Veterans Affairs Medical Center. (April 2017 -February 7, 2020).
- Visiting Professor. Physiology Department. Faculty of Medicine. University of Panamá (February 2015- February 2017)
- Director. Cardiometabolic Unit 7, CA (UCM 7 CA). Barquisimeto, Venezuela (2004 – present). Last 3 years, UCM 7 is the coordinating research center of FISPEVEN.
- Tenured Professor (Retired). Section of Physiology. Department of Functional Sciences. Universidad Centro-Occidental «Lisandro Alvarado» Medical School. Barquisimeto, Venezuela. (1991 – 2016)
- Institutional Review Board (Bioethics Research Committee) at Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA) Medical School in Barquisimeto, Venezuela. (2002 – 2007).
Personal Statement
I am a physician-scientist and professor whose research interest has focused on transcultural endocrinology, specifically diabetes prevention, cardiovascular risk factors, nutrition, and lifestyle medicine. I am Lown Scholar in the Cardiovascular Global Health Program of the TH Chan School of Public Health; Harvard University since July 2017 and I was hired in the Miami VA Medical Center as a clinical coordinator of the Glycemia Reduction Approaches in Diabetes: A Comparative Effectiveness Study (GRADE) since April 2017 to February 2020. I also have collaborated as an invited facilitator at the Division of Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine, University of Miami Miller School of Medicine. Since March 16, 2020, I am the Director of the Cardiometabolic Health and Lifestyle Unit at LifeDoc Health, Memphis, TN, US
My training and main academic appointments. I graduated from medical school (1982-1990) at 24 years (Cum Laude distinction) and, in 1991, I obtained a position at the School of Medicine at Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado (UCLA) where I worked as Tenured Professor of Human Physiology for 25 years (1991-2016). At the UCLA, my teaching responsibilities was focused on physiology of thermoregulation, nutrition, and metabolism, as well as digestive and endocrine physiology. I also taught nutrition and nutritional support, endocrinology, obesity, diabetes in both undergraduate and postgraduate (Internal Medicine, Surgery, Anesthesiology, Gastroenterology) programs of Medicine and Nursing. During this period, after a two-year internal medicine internship (1991-1992), I completed a Master’s degree in nutrition (Graduated with honors, GPA 5/5, 1994-1997) learning nutrition skills both clinic and research laboratory. At the nutritional biochemistry laboratory, I used animal models investigating the effect of diarrhea induced by lactose on vitamins bioavailability in rats using techniques such as atomic absorption spectrophotometry to measure minerals and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to measure vitamin A, E, beta-carotene. When I came back to teach at the UCLA (1998), along with other colleagues, I organized and founded and then directed the “Multidisciplinary Nutrition Laboratory” within the Physiology Research Unit with funds from a Kellogg’s grant. In this Lab we started research protocols evaluating nutritional status of micronutrients by HPLC in vulnerable populations (children from poor populations) and implementing nutritional supplementation intervention at schools in the poorest sectors. Also, I standardized and applied indirect calorimetry and exercise cardiopulmonary tests with a CPX Med Graphics Corporation ® metabolic chart.
Between 1999 and 2002, I did postgraduate training at the UCLA Medical School and General Hospital for the degree of Specialist in Internal Medicine evaluating in my thesis the effect of hospitalization on nutritional status in patients with diabetes. During this period, I filled the gap of lacking nutrition specialists in the hospital and I directed, along with colleagues of Surgery and intensive care, the initiative to start the “metabolic and nutritional support unit” in the main university hospital of the city when I was doing my internal medicine training. This support unit let me the opportunity to develop protocols for nutritional screening, diagnosis and nutritional support including disease-specific formulations and preparation of enteral and parenteral nutrition.
My clinical profile includes the building and foundation of a private practice model, named Cardiometabolic Unit 7 (CMU 7), based on the chronic diseases care model mainly cardiometabolic risk factors, endocrinology, diabetes, nutrition, and obesity where I was CEO for 14 years. The CMU 7 was a reference center for diagnosis and treatment of cardiometabolic risk conditions applying a standardized protocol (clinical, nutritional and laboratory evaluation) in all subjects evaluated. In 2015, CMU was in 3rd place in Venezuela among more than 40 diabetes care units and 1st place when the number of patients was divided between the years of operation. During this period, I attended approximately 12,500 patients and more than 35,000 visits or follow-up services in this high-volume clinical/research practice. I defined and adapted with my team all the protocols of intervention in nutrition and other lifestyle components. In the Cardiometabolic Unit, I organized a multidisciplinary team (physicians of different specialties, exercise physiologist, psychologist, nutritionist, nurses, and a statistician) with pertinent facilities including gym, clinical laboratory, body composition (bioimpedance), sleep apnea laboratory, and indirect calorimetry using a Cardiocoach (Korr ®). The assessment included: clinical, physical activity, coronary heart disease (Globorisk) and diabetes (FINDRISC) risk predictors, anthropometry (weight, height, waist circumference, and skinfolds), body composition (bioimpedance), dietary habits (24 h recall), abdominal ultrasound and biochemical data (fasting glycemia, 75 g oral glucose tolerance test, fasting insulin, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, uric acid, SGPT, SGOT, TSH, FT4, hsCRP, and hematologic indices). The standard intervention included: nutritional counseling, exercise supervised by a physical trainer, and pharmacotherapy guided by current Clinical Practice Guidelines. Recently, I was invited to write two chapters for a lifestyle medicine book on transcultural lifestyle medicine that will provide the basis to include the transcultural elements in the model of chronic diseases for the evaluation and treatment of patients with chronic conditions.
Other of my academic appointments have been Visiting professor at the Physiology and Biochemistry Departments of the University of Panamá Faculty of Medicine (2015-2017) (Dr. Enrique Mendoza, Dean of Medicine, supervisor). Here, I contribute with the organization and foundation of the Exercise Physiology laboratory using a Quark RMR, Cosmed®; Fellow of the Postgraduate Diabetes Course at the University of St Andrews School of Medicine, United Kingdom (2013) (Dr. Hugh Mac Dougall and Dr. Ian W. Campbell, supervisors); Visiting Researcher at the Division of Endocrinology of the University of Tennessee Health Science Center and Life DOC, Memphis USA (2006) (Dr. Pedro Velasquez, supervisor) producing 3 high-quality publications; and Visiting Physician at the Department of Medicine and Pharmacology of Mayo Clinic, Rochester, USA (1998) (Dr. Andre Terzic, supervisor).
My productive research has spanned more than 25 years with a wide scope that covers mainly endocrinology disciplines: diabetes, obesity, nutrition, cardiovascular risk factors, lifestyle medicine, with high emphasis in transcultural components. This has produced 119 publications including 63 original articles and reviews by invitation in peer review journals (17 as first author, 12 as last author and 33 indexed in PubMed); 56 refereed abstracts, posters, and oral communications; and 1 book chapter (3 new book chapters are in press). My H index is 17 (i10-index 21) by 2020 and my publications have received 8530 citations with the highest productivity since 2014. I am also guest editor of the Venezuelan Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism Journal and reviewer for more at least 10 scientific peer-reviewed journals, including Welcome open access, Public Health Nutrition, British Journal of Nutrition, Therapeutic Advances in Endocrinology and Metabolism, PlosOne, Primary Care Diabetes, International Journal of Clinical Practice, Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, Journal of Diabetes Research, and Investigacion Clinica (reviewer activity registered in Publons). I have co-authored at least 10 articles as network member of the Non-Communicable Diseases-RisC (NCD) Risk factors collaboration group and I belong to the America Working Group. I have mentored at least 10 graduate students of Internal Medicine, Surgery, Pediatrics, MS in education at the UCLA, 1 MPH candidate and 1 PhD candidate at Harvard School of Public Health, 1 medical student (Columbia University), 1 student of Information Sciences (Dartmouth College), and several students and young professionals in co-authored publications.
It is known of all the devastating consequences of diabetes and obesity in Latin America and the world, largely driven by the increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The major focus of my research has been: 1.- defining risk factors for diabetes and cardiovascular risk factors and its relationship with social determinants of health, 2.- identifying anthropometric and risk scores cut-offs and individual metabolic phenotypes, and 3.- transculturalizing and implementing diabetes and cardiovascular prevention and lifestyle medicine strategies, including healthy eating patterns.
Venezuela had no data on cardiovascular risk factors and the official statistics came from the morbidity obtained in the health centers. Therefore, to fill this gap and to reach the first research objective, I designed as Principal Investigator and, along with my research team, developed the first sub-national (Venezuelan Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity and Lifestyle Study VEMSOLS, 2011-2015) and the first national study (Venezuelan Cardiometabolic Health Study EVESCAM, 2014-2017) evaluating cardiometabolic risk factors in Venezuela (funded by Novartis grant). Currently, in the next step, we are doing the follow-up of the EVESCAM cohort to characterize the impact of the worldwide-known current humanitarian crisis on the cardiometabolic health in Venezuela for which I obtained a grant from Harvard University. I presented the preliminary results of the study in Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health (July 2019) and in the First Lown Scholar Colloquium Tanzania (October 2019). Also, we submitted in Harvard Lown Program a proposal of implementation of a community-based culturally adapted diabetes prevention program in Venezuela. After lectures that I gave in Chile and Colombia, I am setting up a team of leaders in Latin America to expand the cultural adaptations of this intervention in Argentina, Chile, Colombia, and Ecuador. Also, we are planning to study the nutritional consequences of the current Venezuelan crisis with a joint Grant with the Nutrition Department at Harvard.
Our second and third research goals are included in the transcultural endocrinology field that I am developing. Transculturalization is a relatively new term and transcultural medicine is today one of the most relevant elements for the improvement of all health care levels, since it is focused on the optimization of therapeutic management and decision making according to each culture based on the evidence obtained by regional and global studies to increase the adherence and effectiveness of interventions.
Along with my team, I have emphasized the need to transculturize and adapt interventions to the context in which they will be implemented contributing in the development of a transcultural endocrinology platform for implementation on domestic and global scales. My contributions include diabetes risk detection strategies (Finnish Diabetes Risk Score, FINDRISC in Latin America), diabetes prevention interventions (Diabetes Prevention Program in Venezuela), new paradigms on obesity and diabetes diagnosis and management (American Association of Clinical Endocrinologist, ACE/ACE Framework), obesity anthropometric cutoffs medical nutritional therapy interventions for diabetes (Transcultural Diabetes nutrition algorithm, tDNA), healthy eating patterns (Mediterranean diet adaptation to Venezuelan population), and the development of guidelines, recommendations, algorithms along with colleagues from national and international scientific societies.
Throughout my career, I have been driven by the desire to provide solutions to our population and patients to decrease the prevalence and consequences of these devastating cardiometabolic conditions. Recently in October 2019, in Tanzania, Harvard University awarded me the John C. Bogle Award that recognizes scientists who propose “A simple solution to a Complex problem” by the proposal of connecting Venezuelan Migrants in need of Medical Care with Providers via telehealth. I have received a total of 23 awards and recognitions.
I have been fortunate to work and built a research network with eminent colleagues in the field who have co-authored publications or projects. This network includes scientist from in USA (Harvard University, Boston; University of Miami, Miami; VA Medical Center, Miami; Mount Sinai, New York: Mayo Clinic, Rochester; Czech Republic (International Clinical Research Center, St Anne’s University Hospital), GREEC, Birmingham; University of Tennessee, Memphis; University of California, San Diego), Europe (Spain), Asia (Lebanon, Iran), Latin America (Venezuela, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina, Colombia), and also medical students and young doctors whose framework we have characterized and named Pyramid of Researchers. We have characterized this framework as a stepwise approach to improve scientific productivity. I am planning to continue my research working with this superb group of scientists to decrease the burden of these common diseases and risk factors. I also have contributed in several scientific organizations to which I have belonged: Latin America Diabetes Association, Venezuelan Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Venezuelan Society of Internal Medicine, and Venezuelan Association for the Study of Obesity (Past-President 2012-2014)
In conclusion, the impact of the above research and clinical activities, my academic teaching activity in several universities, my experience in basic sciences, clinic and public health, coupled with my leadership roles has strong local, national, and international impact in the fields of transcultural endocrinology, nutrition, and public health.
Biographic timeline

Institution and Location | Dates Attended | Degree | Conferred (mo/yr) | Field of Study | GPA | Place | |
Undergraduate | |||||||
«San Vicente de Paul» High School | 07/77- 07/82 | B.S. | 07/82 | Sciences | 18.1/20 | 1st | |
Graduate | |||||||
UCLA Medical School | 09/82- 11/90 | M.D. | 11/90 | Medicine | 16.4/20 | 1st | |
Postgraduate training | |||||||
IVSS Hospital | 11/90- 11/92 | Medical Internship | |||||
USB | 09/94- 03/97 | M.Sc. | 05/97 | Nutrition | 5.0/5.0 | 1st | |
UCLA Medical School General Hospital | 03/99- 03/02 | Internal Medicine Specialty | 03/02 | Internal Medicine Residency | 18.8/20 | 2nd | |
Lown Scholars program | |||||||
Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health. Harvard University. | 07/04/17 | Lown Scholar | Permanent | Cardiovascular Health Program | 3.7/4 | ||
UCLA = Universidad Centroccidental “Lisandro Alvarado”. Barquisimeto, Venezuela
IVSS = Social Security Venezuelan Institute. Barquisimeto, Venezuela
USB = Universidad “Simón Bolívar”. Caracas, Venezuela.
Other Relevant Trainings
Institution | Dates Attended | Field of Study | Supervisor | Location |
Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health. Harvard University. | 07/01/17 to 08/06/17 | Bernard Lown Scholar Program in Cardiovascular Health | Dr. Goodarz Danaei | Building 1, 11th Floor, room 1107 |
University of St Andrews. School of Medicine. | 05/13
| Postgraduate Diabetes Course | Dr. Hugh Mac Dougall and Dr. Ian W. Campbell | St Andrews, FIFE, United Kingdom. |
Publications (Total 127)
127 publications including 67 original articles and reviews by invitation in peer review journals (18 as first author, 14 as last author and 35 indexed in PubMed); 56 refereed abstracts, posters and oral communications; and 4 book chapters.
The full list of peer-reviewed publications in PubMed (total 36):
Publications that are not indexed in PubMed are available in google scholar:
Original Articles and Invited Reviews in Peer Review Journals (67 total, 36 PubMed)
- NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). (Nieto-Martínez, R.; study group member). Height and body-mass index trajectories of school-aged children and adolescents from 1985 to 2019 in 200 countries and territories: a pooled analysis of 2181 population-based studies with 65 million participants. Lancet 2020 396; 1511-24.
- Goodman D, González-Rivas JP, Jaacks LM, Duran M, Marulanda MI, Ugel E, Mattei J, Chavarro JE, Nieto-Martinez R. Dietary intake and cardiometabolic risk factors among Venezuelan adults: a nationally representative analysis. BMC Nutr. 2020 Oct 16;6:61. doi: 10.1186/s40795-020-00362-7. PMID: 33088579; PMCID: PMC7566137.
- Ramfis Nieto-Martínez, Juan P. González-Rivas, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Durand, Eric Dávila, Ramez Constantino, Alberto García, Jeffrey I. Mechanick, María Inés Marulanda. Cardiometabolic risk factors in Venezuela. The EVESCAM study: a national cross-sectional survey in adults. Care Diab. (2020),
- Diana De Oliveira-Gomes, Juan P. González-Rivas, Katherine A. Rosales-Pereira, Leidy De Jesus-Henrriques, Rocío Iglesias-Fortes, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Duran, Erik L Dávila Alcalá, María Inés Marulanda, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Prevalence of Obesity in the Capital Region ff Venezuela. Results of the EVESCAM. Rev Venez Endocrinol Metab 2020;18(2): 57-63.
- NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). (Nieto-Martínez, R.; study group member). Repositioning of the global epicentre of non-optimal cholesterol. Nature. 2020. 020;582(7810):73-77. doi:10.1038/s41586-020-2338-1
- Sivitz WI, Phillips LS, Wexler DJ, et al. GRADE Research Group (Nieto-Martínez, R.; study group member). Optimization of Metformin in the GRADE Cohort: Effect on Glycemia and Body Weight [published online ahead of print, 2020 Mar 5]. Diabetes Care. 2020; dc191769. doi:10.2337/dc19-1769.
- NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC) – Americas Working Group. (Nieto-Martínez, R.; working group collaborator). Trends in Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in the Americas Between 1980 and 2014: A Pooled Analysis of Population-Based Surveys. The Lancet Global Health, 8(1), e123-e133, January 1, 2020.
8. Jiwani S, Carrillo-Larco R, Hernández-Vásquez A, Barrientos-Gutiérrez T, Basto-Abreu A, Gutierrez A, Irazola V, Nieto-Martínez R, Nunes B, Parra D, and Miranda, J. The shift of obesity burden by socioeconomic status between 1998 and 2017 in Latin America and the Caribbean: a cross-sectional series study. The Lancet Global Health, 7(12): PE1644- E1654, December 2019.
- Ramfis Nieto-Martínez, Juan P. González-Rivas, Eunice Ugel, María Inés Marulanda, Maritza Durán, Jeffrey I. Mechanick, Pablo Aschner. External Validation of the Finnish Diabetes Risk Score in Venezuela Using a National Sample. The EVESCAM. Primary Care Diabetes. 2019;13(6):574–582. DOI:
10. González-Rivas JP, Mechanick JI, Ugel E, Marulanda MI, Duran M, Nieto-Martínez R. Cardiovascular Health in a National Sample of Venezuelan Subjects Assessed According to the AHA Score: The EVESCAM. Glob Heart. 2019 Sep;14(3):285-293. doi: 10.1016/j.gheart.2019.06.006. Epub 2019 Jul 18.
- Behringer-Massera S, Browne T, George G, et al; GRADE Research Group (Nieto-Martínez, R.; study group member). Facilitators and barriers to successful recruitment into a large comparative effectiveness trial: a qualitative study. J Comp Eff Res. 2019;8(10):815‐ doi:10.2217/cer-2019-0010.
- Larkin ME, Nathan DM, Bebu, Krause-Steinrauf H, Herman WH, Higgins JM, Tiktin M, Cohen RM, Lund C, Bergenstal RM, Johnson ML, Arends V; GRADE Research Group (Nieto-Martínez, R.; study group member). Rationale and Design for a GRADE Substudy of Continuous Glucose Monitoring. Diabetes Technol Ther2019 Sep 4. doi:10.1089/dia.2019.0202 [Epub ahead of print]
- Wexler DJ, Krause-Steinrauf H, Crandall JP, Florez HJ, Hox SH, Kuhn A, Sood A, Underkofler C, Aroda VR; GRADE Research Group (Nieto-Martínez, R.; study group member). Baseline Characteristics of Randomized Participants in the Glycemia Reduction Approaches in Diabetes: A Comparative Effectiveness Study (GRADE). Diabetes Care. 2019 Aug 7. pii: dc190901. doi: 10.2337/dc19-0901.
- Juan P. González-Rivas; Jeffrey I. Mechanick, Maritza Duran, María Inés Marulanda, Eunice Ugel, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Re-Classifying Hypertension in the Venezuelan EVESCAM Database using 2017 AHA/ACC Criteria: High Prevalence, Poor Control, and Urgent Call for Action. Annals of Global Health (2019) May 28;85(1). Doii: 10.5334/aogh.2346.
- NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). (Nieto-Martínez, R.; study group member). Rising rural body-mass index is the main driver of the global obesity epidemic in adults. Nature (2019) 569; 7755:260-64.
- Juan P. González-Rivas, William Polonsky, María M. Infante-García, Maritza Duran, Eunice Ugel, María I Marulanda, Jeffrey I. Mechanick, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Diabetes and Depression Were Not Associated In Venezuelan Adults: The EVESCAM Study, a National Cross-Sectional Sample. Primary Care Diabetes (2019). epub ahead of print.
- Gilberto Figarella, Sheilly Pina, Luis Torres, Juan P. Gonzalez-Rivas, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Duran, Maria Ines Marulanda, Ramfis Nieto-Martinez. Low prevalence of obesity and high prevalence of low weight in adults of the Guayana Region of Venezuela; Preliminary results of the EVESCAM study. Rev Venez Endocrinol Metab 2019; 17 (1):85-93.
- Rocio Iglesias-Fortes, Leidy de Jesus Enriquez, Diana de Oliveira-Gomez, Katherine A. Rosales-Pereira, Erick L. Davila, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Duran, Juan P. Gonzalez-Rivas, Maria Ines Marulanda, Ramfis Nieto-Martinez. Prevalence of alcohol consumption in adults of the Capital region, Venezuela: Preliminary results of the EVESCAM study. Rev Venez Endocrinol Metab 2019; 17 (3): 102-110.
- Ramfis Nieto-Martínez, Juan P. González-Rivas, María M. Infante-García. Implementing Medical Nutritional Therapy Through Dietary Patterns in Prevention and Treatment of Diabetes. Curr Geri Rep (2018) 7: 125.
- María M. Infante-García, Juan P. González-Rivas, José Valencia Portillo, Mariflor Vera, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Durán, María Inés Marulanda, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Low prevalence of obesity and high prevalence of underweight in the population of the Andes Region of Venezuela. Preliminary results of the EVESCAM Study Invest Clin 2018; 59 (3): 242 – 249
- Imperia Brajkovich, Juan P. González-Rivas, Eunice Ugel, Alejandro Risquez, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome and in Three Regions from Venezuela: The VEMSOLS Study Results. International Journal of Cardiovascular Sciences. 2018; 31 (6):603-609. Epub Aug 27, 2018.
- Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Past, present and future EVESCAM study group. Med Interna (Caracas) 2018; 34 (1): 32 – 35
- Victoria Stepenka, Yoleida Rivas, Yolanda Zapata, Luis Añez, Juan Casal, Maribel Sindas, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Durán Castillo, Juan Pablo González Rivas, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez, María Inés Marulanda. Prevalence of Prediabetes and Diabetes Mellitus in the Zulia region, Venezuela: Preliminary Results of the EVESCAM Study. Med Interna (Caracas) 2018; 34 (3): 179-183
- NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). (Nieto-Martínez, R.; study group member). Contributions of mean and shape of blood pressure distribution to worldwide trends and variations in raised blood pressure: a pooled analysis of 1018 population-based measurement studies with 88.6 million participants. International Journal of Epidemiology, 2018, 1–21.
- Juan P. González-Rivas, María M. Infante-García, Arantza C. Ustáriz De Laurentiis, Mariflor Vera, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Duran, María Inés Marulanda, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Diabetes in the Andes of Venezuela Is there greater or lesser prevalence in the region? Preliminary results of the EVESCAM Study. Rev Venez Endocrinol Metab 2018;16(1):12-20
- Erik L. Dávila Alcalá, Rocío Iglesias Fortes, Fátima K. Piñero Gutiérrez, Katherine A. Rosales Pereira, Leidy C. de Jesús Henriques, Diana C. De Oliveira Gomes, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Duran, Juan P. González-Rivas, María Inés Marulanda, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Prevalence of dyslipidemias in the Capital Region. Preliminary Results of the EVESCAM Study. Med Interna (Caracas) 2018; 34 (2): 123 – 127.
- Ramfis Nieto-Martínez, Juan P. González-Rivas, Hermes Florez, Eunice Ugel, Imperia Brajkovich, Alejandro Risquez, W. Timothy Garvey, Jeffrey I. Mechanick, Application of the AACE/ACE Advanced Framework for the Diagnosis of Obesity and Cardiometabolic Disease Staging in a General Population from Three Regions of Venezuela: The VEMSOLS Study Results. Endocrine Practice 2018;24(1):1-8.
- Nieto-Martínez R, González-Rivas JP., Ugel E. Prevalence of cardiometabolic risk factors in three populations from Venezuela: the VEMSOLS Study 2006-2010. MÉD.UIS. 2018;31(1):15-22
- Juan P González-Rivas, Imperia Brajkovich, Eunice Ugel, Alejandro Risquez, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Prevalence of Dyslipidemias in Three Regions from Venezuela: The VEMSOLS Study Results. Arq Bras Cardiol 2018; 110(1):30-35
- Juan P. González-Rivas, María M. Infante-García, Arantza C. Ustáriz De Laurentiis, Mariflor Vera, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Duran, María Inés Marulanda, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Diabetes en los Andes de Venezuela ¿Hay mayor o Menor prevalencia en la región? Resultados preliminares del Estudio EVESCAM. Rev Ven End Met 2018,16(1):12-20.
- Ramfis Nieto-Martínez, Juan P. González-Rivas, María Inés Marulanda. Impact in the change of hypertension prevalence in Venezuela applying the cutoff values of the new 2017 ACC/AHA guidelines. Avances Cardiol 2017;37(4):191-193
- Nieto-Martínez, Mechanick JI, Brajkovich I, Ugel E, Risquez A, Florez H, González-Rivas JP. Prevalence of Diabetes in Three Regions from Venezuela: The VEMSOLS Study Results. Prim Care Diabetes 2017, Dec 14. pii: S1751-9918(17)30186-9. doi: 10.1016/j.pcd.2017.11.005.
- Ramfis Nieto-Martínez, Juan P. González-Rivas, José R. Medina-Inojosa, Hermes Florez. Are Eating Disorders Risk Factors for Type 2 Diabetes? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Curr Diab Rep 2017 Nov 22;17(12):138. doi: 10.1007/s11892-017-0949-1. Review.
- Ramfis Nieto-Martínez, Juan P. González-Rivas, Pablo Aschner, Noël C. Barengo, and Jeffrey I. Mechanick. Transculturalizing diabetes prevention in Latin America. Ann Glob Health. 2017 May – Aug;83(3-4):432-443. doi: 1016/j.aogh.2017.07.001. Epub 2017 Aug 24. Review.
- Ramfis Nieto-Martínez, María Inés Marulanda, Juan P González-Rivas, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Duran, Mario Patiño, Luis López Gómez, Pedro Monsalve, Héctor Marcano, Noël Barengo, Pablo Aschner and Hermes Florez. Cardio-metabolic Health Venezuelan Study (EVESCAM) National Survey: Design and implementation. Invest Clin 2017; 58(1): 56 – 69.
- Patricio López-Jaramillo, Ramfis E. Nieto-Martínez, Gestne Aure-Fariñez, Carlos O. Mendivil, Rodolfo A. Lahsen, Ruy L. Silva-Filho, Luiz A. Andreotti, Mónica E. Manrique, Miguel A. Pasquel-Andrade, Ignacio Rangel, Maricela Vidrio, Rutila Castañeda, Manuela Restrepo, and Miguel E. Pinto. Identification and management of Prediabetes: Latin American Perspective. Rev Panam Salud Publica. 2017; 41:1-7. doi: 10.26633/RPSP.2017.172
- Marcos M. Lima-Martínez, Carlos Arrau, Saimar Jerez, Mariela Paoli, Juan P. González-Rivas, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez, Gianluca Iacobellis. Relationship Between the Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISC), Vitamin D Levels, And Insulin Resistance in Obese Subjects. Primary Care of Diabetes 2017; 11 (2017) 94–100. doi: 10.1016/j.pcd.2016.11.001. Epub 2016 Nov 30.
- Juan P. González-Rivas, Franmar Castellanos Barrios, Mariflor Vera, Eunice Ugel, Paola Calles Rubio, Carmen Y. Cecilio-Rivero, Maritza Durán, María Inés Marulanda, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Prevalence of hypertension in adults of the Andes region of Venezuela. Are we better or worse than before? The EVESCAM study. Avances Cardiol 2017;37(3):1-8
- NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC) (Nieto-Martínez, R.; study group member). Worldwide trends in body-mass index, underweight, overweight, and obesity from 1975 to 2016: a pooled analysis of 2416 population-based measurement studies in 128·9 million children, adolescents, and adults. Lancet. 2017 Dec 16;390(10113):2627-2642. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(17)32129-3. Epub 2017 Oct 10
- NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC) (Nieto-Martínez, R.; study group member). Worldwide trends in blood pressure from 1975 to 2015: a pooled analysis of 1479 population-based measurement studies with 19·1 million participants. NCD Risk Factor Collaboration. Lancet 2017 Jan 7;389(10064):37-55. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(16)31919-5. Epub 2016 Nov 16
- Juan P. González-Rivas, Raúl García Santiago, Jeffrey Mechanick, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Chimó, a Smokeless Tobacco Preparation, is Associated with a Lower Frequency of Hypertension in Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes. International Journal of Cardiovascular Sciences 2017; 30(5):373-379.
- Juan P. González-Rivas; Arantza C. Ustáriz de Laurentiis; Mariflor Vera; Eunice Ugel; Asdrúbal A. Vilera Vivas; Estherbany G. Figueroa Alfaro; Jesús A. Silva Rivera; José U. Valencia Portillo; Maritza Durán; María Inés Marulanda; Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Coffee and Hypertension in the Andean Population of Venezuela. The EVESCAM Study Preliminary Results. Med Interna (Caracas) 2017; 33 (2): 104 – 109.
- Juan P. González-Rivas, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez, Raúl García Santiago, Eunice Ugel, Jeffrey Mechanick Chimo, a smokeless tobacco preparation, is associated with a higher frequency of type 2 diabetes. Invest Clin 2017; 58(3): 250-258
- Ramfis Nieto-Martínez, Juan P. González-Rivas, Hermes Florez and Jeffrey I. Mechanick. Transcultural Endocrinology: Adapting Type-2 Diabetes Guidelines on a Global Scale. Endocrinol Metab Clin N Am 2016; 45:967–1009
- González-Rivas J, García Santiago R, Ugel E, Brajkovich I, Risquez A, Nieto-Martínez R. High Prevalence and Poor Control of Hypertension in Five Populations from Venezuela: The VEMSOLS Study. Invest Clin. 2016;57(4):237 – 45.
- NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). (Nieto-Martínez, R.; study group member). A century of trends in adult human height. Elife2016; Jul 26;5. pii: e13410. doi: 10.7554/eLife.13410.
- NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). (Nieto-Martínez, R.; study group member). Worldwide trends in diabetes since 1980: a pooled analysis of 751 population-based studies with 4·4 million participants. Lancet 2016; 387: 1513–30
- NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). (Nieto-Martínez, R.; study group member). Trends in adult body-mass index in 200 countries from 1975 to 2014: a pooled analysis of 1698 population-based measurement studies with 19·2 million participants. Lancet 2016; 387: 1377–96.
- NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). (Nieto-Martínez, R.; study group member). Effects of diabetes definition on global surveillance of diabetes prevalence and diagnosis: a pooled analysis of 96 population-based studies with 331288 participants. Lancet Diabetes Endocrinol. 2015; Aug;3(8):624-37.
- Ramfis Nieto-Martínez, María Inés Marulanda, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Duran, Juan Pablo González, Mario Patiño, Luis López Gómez, Pedro Monsalve, Héctor Marcano, Nöel Barengo, Pablo Aschner y Hermes Flórez. Venezuelan Cardiometabolic Health Study (EVESCAM): General description and sampling. Med Interna (Caracas) 2015,31(2):102-111.
- Nieto-Martínez R, González JP, Lima-Martínez M, Stepenka V, Rísquez A, Mechanick JI. Diabetes Care in Venezuela. Annals of Global Health. 2015;81(6):776-91.
- Nieto-Martínez R. Nutritional Recommendations for the Venezuelan Population. Med Interna (Caracas) 2015;31(3):134-136
- Stepenka-Alvarez, V on behalf of IDMPS-wave 4 Investigators (Nieto-Martínez, R. collaborator group member). Management of Diabetes Mellitus in Venezuela (Venezuela IDMPS-wave 4). Researchers IDMPS-Venezuela Wave 4. Rev ALAD 2015; 5:27-39.
- Nieto- Martínez, R.; Hamdy, O.; Marante, D.; Marulanda, M.I.; Marchetti, A.; Hegazi, R.A.; Mechanick, J. I. Transcultural Nutrition Diabetes Algorithm (tDNA): Venezuelan Application. Nutrients 2014, 6, 1333-1363.
- Ponte CI, Arocha I, Isea-Perez J, Gómez-Mancebo JR, Ablan F, Colan-Párraga J, Machado L, Iglesias J Feijoo, M. Marulanda. III National Consensus for the management of patients with dyslipidemia. Avances Cardiol 2014; 34 (Suppl 2): S1-S128. Chapter 4. Non-pharmacological treatment of patients with dyslipidemia. Nutritional recommendations. Smoking. Physical activity. Nieto-Martínez R, Rodríguez-Plaza LG, Duran M. Avances Cardiol 2014; 34 (Suppl 2): S44-S57.
- Venezuelan Foundation of Heart Failure. First Venezuelan Consensus of Heart Failure. Non-drug therapeutic strategies: Nutrition in Heart Failure. Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. First edition, October 2014. Ed. Castillo, E., Delgado, C., Arocha, I. Printed by DIA-MAR Graphics. 1500 units. Deposito legal: I78320136101707. ISBN: 978-980-7664-00-4. Caracas, Venezuela
- Brajkovich, I., Izquierdo, M., Nieto-Martínez, R. Cordero, M. Chapter VII. Nonpharmacologic treatment: nutritional aspects, lifestyle and physical activity. Bariatric Surgery. In Clinical Practice Guide on Diabetes Mellitus 2012. Editors: Gruber Bustos, E., Ablan, F. Arocha, I. Rev Ven End Met 2012, Vol 10, Number 2 June.
- Juan González Rivas P, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez, Tivizay Molina González, Raúl J García, Eunice Ugel, Damaris Osuna and Loreley Salazar. Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity, and Impaired Fasting Glucose in adults in the mountains of Mérida, Venezuela. VEMSOLS Study. Medicina Interna (Caracas) 2011, 28 (2):262-267.
- Ramfis E. Nieto- Martínez, Juan Pablo González, José Raúl García, Eunice Ugel, Damaris Osuna and Loreley Salazar. Prevalence of hypertension and dyslipidemia in adults in the mountains of Merida state and its relationship to obesity. Preliminary results of the VEMSOLS study. Advances Cardiol 2011, 31 (3):193-200.
- Mejias, A. Nieto-Martinez, R. Nutritional support in cancer patients. Importance of timely intervention. Internal Medicine update. Advances in Clinical Nutrition. 2011, Bulletin 10:12-15
- Nieto-Martinez, R. Physical activity in the prevention and treatment of diabetes. Rev Ven End Met 2010,8 (2):40-45.
- Pedro A. Velásquez-Mieyer, Patricia Cowan, Sylvia Perez-Faustinelli, Ramfis E. Nieto- Martínez, Cesar Villegas-Barreto, Betsy Toodly, Robert H. Lustig, Bruce S. Alpert. Racial Disparity in Glucagon -Like Peptide 1 (GLP -1) and Inflammation Markers Among Severely Obese Adolescents. Diabetes Care 2008, 31, 770-775
- Pedro A. Velásquez-Mieyer, Claudia P. Neira, Ramfis Nieto and Patricia A. Cowan. Obesity and Cardiometabolic Syndrome in children. Ther Adv Cardiovasc Dis 2007, Oct 1 (1):61-81 doi: 10.1177/1753944707082800.
- Bajares-Lilue M, Pizzi R, Velázquez Maldonado E, editors. Venezuelan Consensus of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Nieto-Martínez, R. and Notolla, N. Treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome. Lifestyle Changes: Nutrition and Exercise. Rev Ven End Met 2007, 5 (3): 47-52.
- Batsis JA, Nieto-Martinez RE and Lopez-Jimenez, F. Metabolic Syndrome: From Global Epidemiology to Individualized Medicine. Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2007, November 82 (5):509-24
- Montilva, M., Nieto- Martínez, R., Ferrer, M., Balza, L., Mendoza, M and Perez, M. Use of Unsatisfied Basic Needs Method for detecting communities most at risk of malnutrition. Anales Venezolanos de Nutrición 2003, Vol. 16(1):16-22.
- Montilva, M., Nieto, R., Ferrer, M., Pérez, M. Durán, L., Mendoza, MA. Vitamin A in children under 7 years of suburban communities. Barquisimeto-Venezuela. Anales Venezolanos de Nutrición 2001; Vol.14 (1):15- 19
Book Chapters (04)
- Ramfis Nieto-Martinez; Carlos Carrera; Emiliano Corpas. (2020). Chapter 18. Diabetes Mellitus as a Risk factor for Aging. In: Corpas, E (ed) Endocrinology of Aging. Clinical Aspects in Diagrams and Images. Elsevier
- Nieto-Martínez R., González-Rivas J.P. (2020) Transcultural Lifestyle Medicine. In: Mechanick J., Kushner R. (eds) Creating a Lifestyle Medicine Center. Springer, Cham.
- Nieto-Martínez R., González-Rivas J.P., Mechanick J.I. (2020) Survey of International
Centers that Incorporate Lifestyle Medicine. In: Mechanick J., Kushner R. (eds) Creating a Lifestyle Medicine Center. Springer, Cham.
- Perspectives in Global Health Prediabetes and Diabetes Prevention. Michael Bergman, Editor. 1st Edition. Chapter 21. Prediabetes and Diabetes Prevention Initiatives in Latin America (LA). Gabriel Rafael, González-Villalpando Clicerio, Patricio López-Jaramillo, Tania Acosta, Ruy López Ridaura, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez, Jaakko Tuomilehto and Pablo Aschner. World Scientific Ed. Publication date: September 16, 2014. ISBN-13: 978-9814603300
Refereed Abstracts, Posters and Oral Communications (56)
- Juan P. Gonzalez-Rivas, Jeffrey I. Mechanick, Maria M. Infante-Garcia, Jose R. Medina-Inojosa, Iuliia Pavlovka, Ota Hlinomaz, Petr Zak, Sarka Kunzova, Ramfis Nieto-Martinez, Mária Skladaná, Jan Brož, Jose Hernandez, Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, Gorazd B Stokin. Prevalence of Dysglycemia-Based Chronic Disease (DBCD) in a European Population. A New Paradigm to Address Diabetes Burden. The Kardiovize Study. Diabetologia 2020, 63 (1). Abstract Volume 56th European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) Annual Meeting. Poster 345.
- María Inés Marulanda, Ysamar Aquino, Sheilly Piña, Luis Torres, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Durán, Juan P. González-Rivas, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Prevalence of symptoms of anxiety and depression in the Guayana region. Med Interna (Caracas) 2018; 34 (4): 245-255.
- María Inés Marulanda, María Torres, Sheilly Piña, Luis Torres, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Duran, Juan P. González-Rivas, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Prevalence of Arterial Hypertension in Adults of the Guayana Region of Venezuela. Med Interna (Caracas) 2018; 34 (4): 245-255.
- Ramez Constantino, Leidy De Jesus-Henriques, Katherine A. Rosales-Pereira, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Duran, Juan P. González-Rivas, María Inés Marulanda, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Prevalence of pre-diabetes and diabetes in adults of the Central Region of Venezuela. EVESCAM study. Med Interna (Caracas) 2018; 34 (4): 245-255
- Juan P. González-Rivas, Miguel Araujo, Hadley Gómez, Mariangel Guerrero, Nohemi Molina, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Durán, María Inés Marulanda, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Determinants of muscle strength in Venezuelan adults evaluated by Dinamometry. Med Interna (Caracas) 2018; 34 (4): 245-255.
- Juan P. González-Rivas, Estherbany Gabriela Figueroa Alfaro, Jesús Andrés Silva Rivera, José Urbey Valencia Portillo, Mariflor Vera, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Durán, María Inés Marulanda, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Prevalence of the Metabolic Syndrome in Venezuela. Med Interna (Caracas) 2018; 34 (4): 245 – 255
- María Inés Marulanda, Luis Galindo, Ysamar Aquino, Sheilly Piña, Luis Torres, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Duran, Juan P. González-Rivas, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Prevalence of Diabetes and Prediabetes in the Guayana Region of Venezuela. Med Interna (Caracas) 2018; 34 (4): 245-255.
- María Inés Marulanda, Daniela Moya, Marly Quintana, Sheilly Piña, Luis Torres, María Tepedino, Juan P González-Rivas, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Duran, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Prevalence of Dyslipidemias in Adults of the Guayana Region of Venezuela. Preliminary Results of the EVESCAM Study. Med Interna (Caracas) 2018; 34 (4): 245-255.
- Juan P. González-Rivas, Franmar Castellanos, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Durán, María Inés Marulanda, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Higher Socio-economic Status and Educational Level associated with Higher Size in the Venezuelan Adult Population. Med Interna (Caracas) 2018; 34 (4): 245-255.
- Maritza Durán, Adrián Trujillo, Roberto Rohuana, Sheilly Piña, Luis Torres, Eunice Ugel, María Inés Marulanda, Juan P. González-Rivas, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Prevalence of Cardiometabolic Risk Behavior in Adults of the Maniapure Indigenous Community, Guayana Region of Venezuela. Med Interna (Caracas) 2018; 34 (4): 245-255.
- Juan P. González-Rivas, Maritza Durán, Diana De Oliveira-Gomes, Rocío Iglesias-Fortes, De, Erik L. Dávila Alcalá, María Inés Marulanda, Eunice Ugel, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Determination of the cutoff point of the optimal waist circumference for the aggregation of multiple risk factors in the Venezuelan population. Med Interna (Caracas) 2018; 34 (4): 245-255.
- Juan P. González-Rivas, Maritza Durán, Rocío Iglesias-Fortes, Diana De Oliveira-Gomes, Katherine A. Rosales-Pereira, Leidy De Jesus-Henriques, Fátima Piñero, Erik L. Dávila Alcalá, María Inés Marulanda, Eunice Ugel, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Prevalence of smoking habit in Venezuela. Med Interna (Caracas) 2018; 34 (4): 245-255.
- Ramfis Nieto-Martínez, María Inés Marulanda, Juan P. González-Rivas, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Durán. Venezuelan Study of Cardiometabolic Health. General Results presented in the XXIII Venezuelan Society of Internal Medicine National Congress. Caracas, Venezuela. Oral Communication. 28 de septiembre de 2017. Med Interna (Caracas) 2018; 34 (1): 30 – 31
- Juan P. González-Rivas, Arantza C. Uztáriz De Laurentiis, Mariflor Vera, Eunice Ugel, Asdrúbal A. Vilera Vivas, Estherbany G. Figueroa Alfaro, Jesús A. Silva Rivera, José U. Valencia Portillo, Maritza Durán, María Inés Marulanda, Ramfis Nieto- Martínez. Coffee Consumption Does Not Change the Prevalence of Arterial Hypertension in the Population of the Andes of Venezuela. Med Interna (Caracas) 2017;33(3):162-179. Presented in the XXIII Venezuelan Society of Internal Medicine National Congress. Caracas, Venezuela. Oral Communication. 28 de septiembre de 2017.
- María M. Infante-García, Juan P. González- Rivas, Mariflor Vera, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Durán, María Inés Marulanda, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Low Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet in the Andes Region of Venezuela. Med Interna (Caracas) 2017;33(3):162-179. Presented in the XXIII Venezuelan Society of Internal Medicine National Congress. Caracas, Venezuela. Oral Communication. 28 de septiembre de 2017
- Juan P. González-Rivas, María M. Infante-García, Arantza C. Uztáriz De Laurentiis, Mariflor Vera, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Durán, María Inés Marulanda, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Diabetes Prevalence in the Population of the Andean Region of Venezuela. EVESCAM Study Preliminary Results. Med Interna (Caracas) 2017;33(3):162-179. Presented in the XXIII Venezuelan Society of Internal Medicine National Congress. Caracas, Venezuela. Oral Communication. 28 de septiembre de 2017
- Gilberto Figarella, Sheilly Piña, Luis Torres, Juan P González-Rivas, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Durán, María Inés Marulanda, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Determination of nutritional status in adults in the Guyana Region of Venezuela. Med Interna (Caracas) 2017;33(3):162-179. Presented in the XXIII Venezuelan Society of Internal Medicine National Congress. Caracas, Venezuela. Oral Communication. 28 de septiembre de 2017
- Erik L. Dávila Alcalá, Piñero G. Fátima K., Rosales P. Katherine A., De Jesús H. Leidy C., De Oliveira G. Diana C., Iglesias F. Rocío., Eunice Ugel, Maritza Durán, Juan P. González-Rivas, María Inés Marulanda, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Prevalence of obesity in people older than 20 years in the Capital Region of Venezuela. EVESCAM Study. Med Interna (Caracas) 2017;33(3):162-179. Presented in the XXIII Venezuelan Society of Internal Medicine National Congress. Caracas, Venezuela. Oral Communication. 28 de septiembre de 2017
- Gessica Di Toro M., Enrique Vera, Juan P. González- Rivas, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Durán, María Inés Marulanda, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes in the capital region of Venezuela. EVESCAM Study (2015-2016). Med Interna (Caracas) 2017;33(3):162-179. Presented in the XXIII Venezuelan Society of Internal Medicine National Congress. Caracas, Venezuela. Oral Communication. 28 de septiembre de 2017
- Victoria J. Stepenka-Álvarez, Yoleida J. Rivas, Yolanda Zapata, Luis Añez, Juan C. Casal, Maribel Sindas, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Durán, Juan P. González-Rivas, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez, María Inés Marulanda. Prevalence of Prediabetes and Diabetes Mellitus in Zulia State. EVESCAM Study. Med Interna (Caracas) 2017;33(3):162-179. Presented in the XXIII Venezuelan Society of Internal Medicine National Congress. Caracas, Venezuela. Oral Communication. 28 de septiembre de 2017
- Ramfis Nieto-Martínez, Carla Soteldo-Gómez, Eunice Ugel-Garrido, Angela Vilanova-Sánchez, María Inés Marulanda, Maritza Durán, Juan P. González-Rivas. Prevalence of dyslipidemias in the Western Region of Venezuela. EVESCAM Study. Med Interna (Caracas) 2017;33(3):162-179. Presented in the XXIII Venezuelan Society of Internal Medicine National Congress. Caracas, Venezuela. Oral Communication. 28 de septiembre de 2017
- Elisanny A. Sánchez, Susmary Caraballo, Juan P. González-Rivas, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Durán, María Inés Marulanda, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Glycemic alterations in adults in eastern Venezuela. EVESCAM Study. Med Interna (Caracas) 2017;33(3):162-179. Presented in the XXIII Venezuelan Society of Internal Medicine National Congress. Caracas, Venezuela. Oral Communication. 28 de septiembre de 2017
- Juan P. González-Rivas, Franmar Castellanos Barrios, Mariflor Vera, Eunice Ugel, Paola Calles Rubio, Carmen Y. Cecilio-Rivero, Maritza Durán, María Inés Marulanda, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Prevalence of High Blood Pressure in Adults of the Region of the Andes of Venezuela. Results EVESCAM Study Med Interna (Caracas) 2017;33(3):162-179. Presented in the XXIII Venezuelan Society of Internal Medicine National Congress. Caracas, Venezuela. Oral Communication. 28 de septiembre de 2017
- Luisa Martínez, Carla Hernández, Rodolfo García, Aracelys Seijas, Robert García, Eunice Ugel, María Inés Marulanda, Juan P. González-Rivas, Maritza Durán, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Prevalence of Diabetes and Prediabetes in the Region of Los Llanos. EVESCAM Study. Med Interna (Caracas) 2017;33(3):162-179. Presented in the XXIII Venezuelan Society of Internal Medicine National Congress. Caracas, Venezuela. Oral Communication. 28 de septiembre de 2017
- Erik L. Dávila Alcalá, Rocío Iglesias Fortes, Fátima K. Piñero Gutierrez, Katherine A. Rosales Pereira, Leidy C. de Jesús Henriques, Diana C. De Oliveira Gomes, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Durán, Juan P. González-Rivas, María Inés Marulanda, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Prevalence of dyslipidemias in adults of the capital region of Venezuela. EVESCAM Study. Med Interna (Caracas) 2017;33(3):162-179. Presented in the XXIII Venezuelan Society of Internal Medicine National Congress. Caracas, Venezuela. Oral Communication. 28 de septiembre de 2017
- Erik L Dávila Alcalá, De Oliveira G. Diana C., Iglesias F. Rocío, Piñero G. Fátima K., Rosales P. Katherine A., De Jesús H. Leidy C., Tarazona Carlos, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Durán, Juan P. González-Rivas, María Inés Marulanda, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Prevalence of smoking in people over 20 years of age in the Capital Region of Venezuela. EVESCAM Study. Med Interna (Caracas) 2017;33(3):162-179. Presented in the XXIII Venezuelan Society of Internal Medicine National Congress. Caracas, Venezuela. Oral Communication. 28 de septiembre de 2017
- Eunice Ugel, Ángela Vilanova, Carla Soteldo, Juan P. González-Rivas, Maritza Durán, María Inés Marulanda, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Physical inactivity in Western Region of Venezuela. Preliminary Results EVESCAM Study. Med Interna (Caracas) 2017;33(3):162-179. Presented in the XXIII Venezuelan Society of Internal Medicine National Congress. Caracas, Venezuela. Oral Communication. 28 de septiembre de 2017
- Erik L. Dávila A., Leidy C. De Jesús H., Diana C. De Oliveira G., Rocío Iglesias F., Fátima K. Piñero G., Katherine A. Rosales P., Eunice Ugel, Maritza Durán, Juan P. González-Rivas, María Inés Marulanda, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Prevalence of alcohol consumption in the Capital Region of Venezuela. EVESCAM Study. Med Interna (Caracas) 2017;33(3):162-179. Presented in the XXIII Venezuelan Society of Internal Medicine National Congress. Caracas, Venezuela. Oral Communication. 28 de septiembre de 2017
- María M. Infante-García, José Valencia Portillo, Juan P. González-Rivas, Mariflor Vera, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Durán, María Inés Marulanda, Ramfis Nieto- Martínez. Nutritional Status in the Population of the Region of the Andes of Venezuela. EVESCAM Study Preliminary Results. Med Interna (Caracas) 2017;33(3):162-179. Presented in the XXIII Venezuelan Society of Internal Medicine National Congress. Caracas, Venezuela. Oral Communication. 28 de septiembre de 2017
- Erik L. Dávila A., Katherine A. Rosales P., Leidy C. De Jesús H., Diana C. De Oliveira G., Rocío Fortes I., Fátima K. Piñero G., Eunice Ugel, Maritza Durán, Juan P. González-Rivas, María Inés Marulanda, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms in adults older than 20 years in the Capital Region of Venezuela. EVESCAM Study. Med Interna (Caracas) 2017;33(3):162-179. Presented in the XXIII Venezuelan Society of Internal Medicine National Congress. Caracas, Venezuela. Oral Communication. 28 de septiembre de 2017
- José Hernández, Daniel García, Guillermo Salas, Sandra Ramírez, Ricardo Gómez, Leontina Di Pietro, Eunice Ugel, Maritza Durán, Juan P. González-Rivas, María Inés Marulanda, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Prevalence of high blood pressure in the Llanos region. EVESCAM Study. Med Interna (Caracas) 2017;33(3):162-179. Presented in the XXIII Venezuelan Society of Internal Medicine National Congress. Caracas, Venezuela. Oral Communication. 28 de septiembre de 2017
- Juan P. González-Rivas, Carmen Cecilio Rivero, Mariflor Vera, Eunice Ugel, Paola Calles Rubio, Franmar Castellanos Barrios, Maritza Durán, María Inés Marulanda, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Prevalence of alcohol consumption in adults in the Andes Region of Venezuela. EVESCAM Study. Med Interna (Caracas) 2017;33 (3):162-179. Presented in the XXIII Venezuelan Society of Internal Medicine National Congress. Caracas, Venezuela. Oral Communication. 28 de septiembre de 2017
- Marcos Lima-Martínez, Carlos Arrau, Saimar Jerez, Mariela Paoli, Juan Pablo González-Rivas, Ramfis Nieto-Martínez. Vitamin D levels in obese patients and their relationship with the risk of type 2 diabetes determined by Latin America modified FINDRISC. Rev Ven End Met 2016;14(2):156. Presented at XVII Venezuelan Society of Endocrinology and Metabolism Congress. Poster presentation. Caracas, Venezuela. April 17-19, 2016.
- Ramfis Nieto, Juan Pablo González, María Inés Marulanda, Eunice Ugel, Pablo Aschner, Venezuela. Evaluation of the FINDRISC as a screening tool for people with impaired glucose regulation in Venezuela using a modified score with validated regional cutoff values for abdominal obesity. 8th World Congress on Prevention of Diabetes and its Complications. Cartagena, Colombia. Poster presentation. 15, 2015 – oct. 17, 2015
- Ramfis E. Nieto- Martínez, Patricia Cowan, Mario Briceño, Mariana Rivas, Carolina Carrera, Eunice Ugel, Pedro A. Velásquez-Mieyer. Predictors of Weight Loss in Adolescents with Severe Obesity and Cardio Metabolic Risk Factors: Metformin Vs. Lifestyle Changes. Poster Number: 66. Presented at 3rd Latin America Congress on Controversies to Consensus in Diabetes, Obesity and Hypertension (CODHy). Panama City, Panama, From March 16th, 2014
- Ramfis E. Nieto, Yendri Pérez, María de los Angeles Suarez, Eunice Ugel «A BMI of 27.5 Can Improve the Detection of Obesity in a Venezuelan Population”. Diabetes 2013,62 (Suppl. 1): A750. Abstract. Presented at American Diabetes Association 73rd Scientific Sessions. June 21-25, 2013. Chicago, IL. Poster presentation. Number 2964-PO
- Aschner, P., Nieto- Martinez, Marin, A., Rios, M. Evaluation of the FINDRISC score as a screening tool for people with impaired glucose regulation in Latin America using modified score points for waist circumference according to the validated regional cutoff values for abdominal obesity. Minerva Endocrinologica 2012, 37 (4): 114. Abstract. Oral Communication. Presented at 7th World Congress on Prevention of Diabetes and its Complications. Madrid November 11-14, 2012
- Ramfis Nieto- Martínez, Eunice Ugel, Omar Flores, David Rico, Naylimar Torres, Alejandra Terán and Gienny Infante. Attributable Risk to Cardiometabolic Risk Factors for the Development of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in a Population of Barquisimeto. Presented at XVII Venezuelan Society of Internal Medicine National Congress. Poster presentation. Caracas, Venezuela. May 17-21, 2011.
- Ramfis Nieto-Martinez, Gonzalez, JP, Garcia and Ugel, E. Prevalence of Hypertension and Dyslipidemia in Adults from Mountains of Mérida and its Relationship to Obesity. VEMSOLS Study. Presented at IV Western Conference Venezuelan Society of Internal Medicine Congress. Poster presentation. Barquisimeto, Venezuela. October 28-30,
- Nieto- Martínez, R. Mario Briceño, Mariana Rivas, Carolina Carrera, Ugel Eunice, Patricia A. Cowan and Pedro Velásquez – Mieyer. Effect of Metformin and Lifestyle Changes on Body Mass Index in High Risk Obese Youth: African- American Race and Metabolic Syndrome as Predictors of Weight Loss. Presented at XV Venezuelan Society of Internal Medicine National Congress. Poster presentation. Margarita, Venezuela. May 19-23,
- Nieto- Martinez, R, Pisani, F, Silva, M. Balza, L., Martínez H., and Millan, JE Impairment of Caloric and not of the Nutritional State of Protein, Vitamin A and E in Diabetic Patients During Hospitalization. Presented at XII Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Venezuelan Society National Congress. Poster presentation. Caracas, Venezuela. March 26-28, 2009
- Millán, José Eduardo; Martínez, Haydee and Nieto-Martínez, Ramfis. Plasma Levels of Vitamins A and E Measured by the HPLC Method in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and a Group of Non-Diabetic Patients in the Area of Influence of the Type II Ambulatory Clinic «Dr. Rafael Pereira». Barquisimeto, Edo. Lara. Presented at I Pineda Congress. Barquisimeto, Venezuela. November 15 -17 2001.
- Nuñez, M., Nieto-Martinez, R., Alvarez, C., Cabello, H., Meza, I., Quiroz, M and Gatti, M. Medical Management of Diabetic Ketoacidosis and Hyperosmolar Nonketotic State in the Intermediate Care Unit of the «Antonio Maria Pineda» Central Hospital (June 1999-June 2000). Presented at II Latin American Congress of Internal Medicine. Poster presentation. Caracas, Venezuela. May 29-June 2,
- Nieto- Martinez, R. and Loeb, E. American Thoracic Society Criteria for the Spirometric Evaluation in Healthy Subjects. Presented at IV Venezuelan Society of Internal Medicine National Congress. Poster presentation. Caracas, Venezuela May 23-27,
- Montilva, M., Nieto-Martinez, R., Ferrer, M., Balza, L., Mendoza, M and Perez, M Use of Unsatisfied Basic Needs Method for Detecting Communities at High Risk of Malnutrition. Presented at XII Latin American Congress of Nutrition (SLAN). Buenos Aires, Argentina 2000.
- Mendez, R., Nieto- Martinez, R., Finizola, A., and Batalla, L. Effect of 8 Weeks of Training on Body Composition and Maximal Oxygen Uptake in Men’s College Basketball Players. Presented at XIX South American Congress of Cardiology and XXXIII Venezuelan Congress of Cardiology. Caracas, Venezuela 2000.
- Montilva, M., Nieto- Martinez, R., Ferrer, M., Balza, L., Mendoza, M. and Pérez, M. Nutritional Status of Vitamin A in Children Under 7 Years from the West of Barquisimeto. Acta Sci Venez Vol 50 (Supp. 2) 😛 319, 1999. Presented at XlIX Venezuelan Association for the Science Advance (ASOVAC) National Convention. Maracay, Venezuela 1999.
- Mendez, R., Nieto- Martinez, R., Finizola, A., and Batalla, L. Effect of 8 Weeks of Training on Body Composition and Maximal Oxygen Uptake in Men’s College Basketball Players. Antioqueña Journal of Sports Science and Medicine Applied to Sport and Physical Activity. Vol 2, Suppl 1. p125. June 1999. Presented at XVIII Pan American Congress of Sports Medicine. Medellin, Colombia 1999
- Nieto- Martinez, R., Loeb, E. Garay-Flores, J., Mendez, R., Finizola, A., and Batalla, L. Lung Function in Venezuelan University Athletes: Should ATS Criteria Be Met? Istanbul Faculty of Medicine. Istanbul University. Abstract Book. p 103. Presented at 14th International Medical Sciences Student and Young Doctors Congress. Faculty of Medicine. Istanbul University. Istanbul, Turkey. 1998
- Nieto- Martinez, R. Bioavailability of Vitamin A, E and Beta-Carotene During Diarrhea Caused by Lactose. Abstracts Book p. 12. Presented at XI Latin American Congress of Nutrition (SLAN). Guatemala City, Guatemala 1997
- Mendez, R., Finizola, A., Nieto-Martinez, R., and Batalla, L. Maximal Oxygen Uptake, Anaerobic Threshold and Other Indicators in Female Students from the Universidad Centroccidental “Lisandro Alvarado” (UCLA). Presented at International Seminar on Physical Activity and Health. Maracaibo, Venezuela 1997.
- Mendez, R., Finizola, A., Nieto-Martinez, R., and Batalla, L. Physical Performance Profile of a Sample of Female Students from the Universidad Centroccidental “Lisandro Alvarado” (UCLA). Presented at International Congress of Physical Education, Sport and Recreation for Women. Barquisimeto, Venezuela. 1997
- Garay, J., Montilva, M., Nieto-Martinez, R., Bracho, P., Anzola, L., Valbuena, T., Lopez, H., and Batalla, L. Utility of Signaling Hypertext Language in the Teaching of Medical Physiology. Acta Sci Venez. Vol 47 (Supp. 1) p 245, 1996. Presented at XLVI Venezuelan Association for the Science Advance (ASOVAC) National Convention. Barquisimeto, Venezuela 1996.
- Nieto- Martinez, R., Finizola, A., Garay, J., Mendez, R., Loeb, E., and Batalla, L. Levels of Lipids, Lipoproteins and Other Indicators in College Athletes from Different Disciplines. Acta Sci Venez Vol 47 (Supp. 1) p 200, 1996. Presented at XLVI Venezuelan Association for the Science Advance (ASOVAC) National Convention. Barquisimeto, Venezuela 1996.
- Nieto- Martinez, R., Finizola, A., Garay, J., Mendez, R., Loeb, E., and Batalla, L. Some Indicators of Nutritional Iron Status in College Athletes. Acta Sci Venez Vol 47 (Supp. 1) p 199, 1996. Presented at XLVI Venezuelan Association for the Science Advance (ASOVAC) National Convention. Barquisimeto, Venezuela 1996.
- Torbay, N., Nieto- Martinez, R., Garay, J., Cardinale, N., Balza, E., Montilva, M. and Hashim, S. Effect of A Milk Supplement on Nutritional Status of Preschool Children. Latin Arch Nutr. Vol 44 (3), p 62S, Suppl, Sep. 1994. Presented at X Latin American Congress of Nutrition (SLAN). Caracas, Venezuela 1994
Research Support
Ongoing Research Support
As Principal Investigator
2018-2019 Project Title: Effect of Socioeconomic Status on Cardiometabolic Risk During the Venezuelan Humanitarian Crisis: EVESCAM Cohort Study. Award Number: BLSCHP-1703. Award Date: 12/20/2017. Awarded by: The Bernard Lown Scholars in Cardiovascular Health Program. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Principal Investigator(s): Ramfis Nieto-Martinez. P.I. Amount: $ 25,593 (direct costs). Period of Performance: 03/01/2018 – 03/30/2019
As Mentor
2020-2021 Project Title: Hybridized Three Steps (HITS) Intervention to Prevent Diabetes in Venezuela. HITS Diabetes with Prevention, An EVESCAM lifestyle intervention study. Award Number: BLSCHP-1703. Award Date: 12/20/2017. Awarded by: The Bernard Lown Scholars in Cardiovascular Health Program. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Principal Investigator(s): Juan Pablo Gonzalez-Rivas Mentor: Ramfis Nieto-Martinez. P.I. Amount: $ 48,500 (direct costs). Period of Performance: 03/01/2018 – 03/30/2019
Completed Research Support
As Principal Investigator
- 2014-2017 Venezuelan Cardiometabolic Health Study (EVESCAM). Novartis Laboratory Grant # CVAL489AVE01T. Nieto-Martinez, R. I.; Marulanda, M.I. Co-I. Amount: $ 350,000 direct costs
- 2011-2015 Venezuelan Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity and Lifestyle Study (VEMSOLS). Organic Law of Science, Technology and Research (LOCTI) and Council of Scientific Development, Technological and Humanistic (CDCHT) of the Centroccidental “Lisandro Alvarado” University (UCLA) Project # 568 -ME-2009. Nieto-Martinez, R P.I. Amount: $15,870 (direct costs)
- 2016-2017. Proposed new cutoff of BMI for detection of obesity in university population of Panama. Project No: VIP-01-07-062015-04. Ramfis Nieto-Martinez. P.I. Direction of Research and Graduate Studies. University of Panamá. Self-Funded Project
- 2010 Cardiometabolic Risk Factors as Predictors of Prediabetes. Cardiometabolic Unit. Medicine Graduate Program Degree Thesis. Nieto-Martínez, R.I. Mentor. Self-Funded Project
- 2009 Effect of Enteral Versus Parenteral Nutrition on Nutritional Status of hospitalized patients with Acute Pancreatitis. Central University Hospital. General Surgery Postgraduate Program Degree Thesis. Nieto-Martínez, R. I. Mentor. Student: Alicia Amario (Surgery residency). Self-Funded Project
- 2009 Cardiometabolic Risk Factors and its Relationship With the presence of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Medicine Graduate Program Degree Thesis. Nieto-Martínez, R.I. Mentor. Self-Funded Project
- 2006 Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity in Individuals between 20 and 80 years Old in Palavecino Municipality, Lara State. Medicine Graduate Program Degree Thesis. Nieto-Martínez, R.I. Mentor. Self-Funded Project
- 2006 Oxidative Stress in Scholar and Adolescent Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus. Martinez, H. Pediatrics Postgraduate Program Degree Thesis. Nieto-Martínez, R.I. Mentor.
- 2006 Oxidative Stress and Nutritional Status in Diabetic Hospitalized Patients. Millán, J.E. Internal Medicine Degree Thesis. Nieto-Martínez, R.I. Mentor.
- 2005 Curriculum Content Analysis on the Nutritional Care of Hospitalized Diabetic Patients in the Internal Medicine Graduate Program. Balza, L. Master’s in education Degree Thesis. Nieto-Martínez, R.I. Mentor CDCHT-UCLA Project No:026-ME-2005
- 2002 Plasma Levels of Vitamins A and E in Diabetic Patients in the Outpatient «Rafael Pereira» Ambulatory Health Center. Barquisimeto. Nieto-Martínez, R. I. Self-Funded Project
- 2001-2002 Prospective Evaluation of Nutritional/Metabolic State Diabetic Hospitalized Patients. Nieto-Martínez, R. I. CDCHT-UCLA Grant. Project No: 013-ME-2001.
- 1997-2001 Nutritional Status of Some Antioxidants in Preschool Children of Lara State. Nieto-Martínez, R. I. CDCHT-UCLA Grant. Project No: 02-15M- 97. Amount: $ 2,770
- 1994-1998 Effect of Diarrhea Induced by Lactose on Nutritional Status of Vitamin A, E and Beta-Carotene in rats. Nieto-Martínez, R.; I. CDCHT-UCLA Grant. Project No: 02-18M-97.
As Co-investigator
- 2011 Researcher and National Coordinator. International Diabetes Management Practices Study (IDMPS Wave 5). Study Code: Direg-R-05941. Laboratory Sanofi -Aventis Grant
- 2006 Racial Disparities on the Enteroinsular Axis activity (EIA): An Independent risk for Obesity and T2DM in African American Obese Adolescents. Velásquez-Mieyer, P. PI.; Nieto-Martínez, R. Co-investigator. Department of Pediatrics. Division of Endocrinology. The University of Tennessee. 50 North Dunlap, Memphis, TN 38103. Novartis Grant
- 2006 Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Three Different Intervention (Lifestyle Changes vs Metformin) on Body Weight and Blood Pressure in Obese (African American and Caucasian) Children and Young. Velásquez-Mieyer, P. PI.; Nieto-Martínez, R. Co-investigator. Department of Pediatrics. Division of Endocrinology. The University of Tennessee. 50 North Dunlap, Memphis, TN 38103.
- 2002 Relationship between Pulmonary Function, Vitamin C and E Serum levels, Superoxide Dismutase, Glutathione Peroxidase and Oxidative Stress in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Loeb, E. P.I.; Nieto-Martínez, R. Co-investigator. CDCHT-UCLA Grant. Project No: ME-016-2002. Amount: $ 1,333
- 2002 Plasma Concentration of Vitamins A in a Rural Population from Lara State. Dellan, G. PI.; Nieto-Martínez, R. Co-investigator. CDCHT-UCLA Grant.
- 2001 Plasma Concentration of Vitamins A in a Rural Population from Lara State. Dellan, G. PI.; Nieto-Martínez, R. Co-investigator. CDCHT-UCLA Grant.
- 1999-2001 Iron Nutritional Status and Living Conditions. Montilva, M. P.I.; Nieto-Martínez, R. Co-investigator. CDCHT-UCLA Grant. Project No: 02-1M-99.